Your Daily Add Cash Limit | r |
Cash added in last 24 Hrs | r |
Cash withdrawn in last 24 Hrs | r |
Withdrawal Requested Amount. | r |
Withdrawal Picked Up Amount. | r |
Maximum Cash you can add now |
*Minimum r25
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What you heard is true! We're offering you the biggest prize ever in a FREE entry tournament with r 5 Lakh up for grabs. And if that's not enough to bring a smile on your face, here's a GUARANTEED PRIZE of r 10!
Turn up your cards this Saturday, to win up to r 5 Lakh. Registration starts @ 9.00 AM and ends @ 2.55 PM. Game starts @ 3.00 PM.
Date | Reg. Window | Start Time | Entry Fee | Guaranteed Prize | Total Prize |
Every Saturday | 9:00 AM - 2:55 PM | 3:00 PM | Free | r 10 | r 5 Lakh |
# To be counted as a cash player the user must have made at least one cash deposit and should have played minimum one cash game before the tournament.